The tile of this blog is deep. Ultimately, legacy is determined by what others say about you rather than your personal opinion. Your impact on others is your legacy, it outlives you and is remembered far after you are gone.
But here is the truth, you own your legacy. It’s your personal footprint in this world, the memory of YOU that you want to leave behind. Others do not determine it for you, nor should you let them. This is yours, fully and wholly. So, the question becomes, what do you want people to remember you for? And how can you manifest that memory?
It is always funny when I hear how people describe themselves. I compare the adjectives they use for themselves to what people say about them when they are not around.
If you do not know the impact you have on others, ask them. Ask for honest feedback, without intimidation, favor or force. Get feedback frequently and intentionally. If you like what you hear, you’ll know you are on the right track and should continue doing more of the same. If the feedback you get conflicts with your personal view, ask how you can become better. More importantly, work on the suggestions people offer as much as possible. You might not be able to implement all suggestions; some things might not be within your capability nor your desire to change. Do what you can while staying true to yourself and your identity.
In all leadership skills we have advocated for, nothing is more powerful than the skill of asking for and listening to feedback. Therefore, and as we end the year, we wanted to dedicate the last blog of 2024 to the importance of feedback.
We have written a couple of blogs in the past on the power of feedback in a leader’s toolbox. In interest of time and to avoid repetition, we direct you to The Gift of Feedback (May 2021 blog) and Demonstrating Love with Listening Skills (Feb 2023 blog).
May you leave a legacy that is perfectly and genuinely you. Happy holidays.